
THE UNLONELY FILM FESTIVAL: BEST OF FEST Echoes The animated film Echoes brings memories to life to illustrate the far-reaching impact of loneliness in someone who’s lost a partner and is now living alone. In the film, the central character is haunted by the memories...

Dial a Ride

THE UNLONELY FILM FESTIVAL: BEST OF FEST Dial a Ride Dial-A-Ride, captures the stories and friendships of a group of passengers on a community bus through rural South Wales. The film reveals that these journeys are a lifeline for many older people who without this...


THE UNLONELY FILM FESTIVAL: BEST OF FEST Dotty Set in a nursing facility, this film –Dotty- shows the frustrations involved in caring for someone who has a memory impairment –particularly when that person is a close family member. This film gives a great...

Elgin Park

THE UNLONELY FILM FESTIVAL: BEST OF FEST Elgin Park Elgin Park dives into the life of a reclusive artist turned viral sensation — recognized for creating 1950’s utopias out of pain, love, and miniature cars 1-CLick Reaction TweetShareShareEmailPinMore Consider This...
The Foundation for Art & Healing