Dial a Ride

Dial-A-Ride, captures the stories and friendships of a group of passengers on a community bus through rural South Wales. The film reveals that these journeys are a lifeline for many older people who without this source of transportation, would not be able to leave home. This is a funny and light-hearted film celebrating the social life of older adults.

Consider This

Watch this video to explore the film’s meaning and major themes a bit more. Talking with others about a shared arts experience can enrich our perspectives. Share your thoughts in the comment section, below!

Meet the Filmmaker

Dial-A-Ride directors George Cowie and Tom Huntingford have been making films together for eight years under the banner of their London-based production company Superfolk Films – a mix of digital content, independent documentaries, and co-productions. As a creative partnership, George and Tom have a track record of dealing with sensitive issues and contributors, access-driven stories and investigative documentaries, producing entertaining, thought-provoking, human-focussed films around the world. G&T recently released their 30-minute documentary Someone Else’s War with The Guardian online. It tells the story of the young Brits who battled ISIS on the frontlines, and their dads’ journeys to Syria to find out what they died for. A very different subject matter to Dial-A-Ride!


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  1. Anonymous

    I loved this! The aging are so often pushed aside, when they can bring so much joy into the day by telling their stories of days gone by. I personally love asking those over 80 about their history, and usually they are more than happy to share.

  2. Anonymous

    It’s crucial to stay connected in someway with people around your community. It makes life more enjoyable and bearable sometimes.

  3. Anonymous

    A touching, bittersweet film. It shows that even with a limited budget and resources one can make a meaningful short film, provided one has a story to tell. Bravo!

  4. Sandy

    The people able to share the details of their lives with the driver, a person to listen and care about them.

  5. Sandy Beckvall

    Driver really cares about the people he is transporting. Can be healing to those sharing the story.

  6. Sandy Beckvall

    Driver interested in others story and can be healing to those who shared.

  7. Sandy Beckvall

    Driver interested in other peoples story, shows he cares.

  8. Bobie

    What an impact you can have on others lives.

  9. Anonymous

    Makes me want to volunteer

  10. Rita Lambert

    I also am old, but I don’t feel old. It is inspiring to see how cheerful and how brave they all are to just keep going with a great sense of humor. Love it!

  11. Anonymous

    Loooved this Story, I would love to start a program for the elderly I don’t think there are too many fun programs geared towards them, This film really touched my heart, to give back to this community and volunteer!

  12. Anonymous

    What a Beautiful film, there really are not many fun and engaging programs for the elderly, this makes me want to create something for them and volunteer, what amazing stories they have to pass to the next generation1 I love that the bus driver makes them feel human again.

  13. Anonymous

    LOVE this! I want to join the ride :)

  14. Anonymous

    The Driver is very kind and really cares for the job he is doing.

  15. Anonymous

    This was so good. You could tell the driver really cared and the service provided was so wonderful! Such spirit in his passengers too!

  16. Anonymous

    Great service and fun with our elders is something great! Wonderful!

  17. Esther Wolk

    So heartwarming. Love all the seniors’ spunk & banter–and especially, appreciated the driver’s kindness & warm regard for his passengers. Dial-a-Ride is a wonderful transportation–as well as social–lifeline for these isolated seniors in rural areas. I’m a young senior myself & use a somewhat similar service though it’s in a major U.S. city so it’s a different vibe. Really adored this lovely little gem of a short documentary.


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