Drawings for my Grandchildren

Meet the Filmmaker

Ji Lee was born in Seoul, Korea, raised in São Paulo, Brazil and lives in New York. Ji is a creative director at Facebook and formerly a creative director at Google. Ji’s work has appeared in The New York Times, The Guardian, Time Magazine, Veja, Fantástico, among others. Ji is known for his personal projects such as the Bubble Project, Word as Image and Drawings for My Grandchildren. Ji is an advocate of the transformative power of personal projects and has spoken at numerous venues including MIT, Harvard, Columbia, MoMA and Guggenheim. Ji is the author of three books.

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  1. Lily

    Great story of finding a way to keep grandparents in their grandchildren’s lives. Love how the father had to feel and see the benefit before he agreed to learn Instagram. We need to keep people’s interest in mind when trying to do good for them.

  2. Anonymous

    That was so awesome! I loved your story!

  3. Anna

    So inspiring. Purpose is everything.

  4. Asei Tendle

    Beautiful drawings this is a great idea

  5. Anonymous

    I loved this story! and the drawings were awesome.

  6. Anonymous

    I love this story, I thought it was a great idea and very cute since I have kids of my own.

  7. Anonymous

    Such a wonderful legacy for the family.

  8. Anonymous

    It was a nice way of connecting globally in the comfort of your home.

  9. Anonymous

    Legit – kids are youngsters – we should do this for the next generation.

  10. Anonymous

    Very inspiring video, goes to show with support from friends and family combined with self determination you can do anything.

  11. Anonymous

    I love how he created connections outside of phones or messaging

  12. T

    I love how he created connections outside of phones or messaging

  13. Anonymous

    Nice film, and beautiful drawings. Inspiring for someone like me who is nearing retirement. I used to draw too in m early age, but since lost it. Maybe, I could start drawing again. As for grandpa, some old dogs can learn new tricks (Instagram). Good job grandpa.

  14. Anonymous

    I also thought it was very cute and so smart of an idea, I should try emailing my dad and not just calling him, it would give him something else to do during the day

  15. N

    I found this very creative, I don’t know Instagram but have e-mail and face book, I will check if my Dad if he has e-mail still and if so will send him pictures of what we are doing since he is not allowed to leave the building !!!

  16. N

    I agree

  17. Anonymous

    Wonderful story on how to stay connected with family, in different ways and different [places

  18. Heidi

    Great wAy

    to connect with grandparents

  19. Anonymous

    What a beautiful way for your family to connect and make memories

  20. Anonymous

    Loved this film and the story. I’ve been reading to my grandson who lives quite a distance via Skype once a week-grateful for the electronic options for connecting. This is wonderful because there are drawings that can be viewed over and over and the grandfather can be remembered this way.

  21. Anonymous

    absolutely touching and a wonderful idea. Love each one of the pieces shown. The grandchildren will always have a piece of their grandfather when he is no longer here.

  22. Anonymous

    I love this. The message is clear. Grandparent may not know technology but when it comes to connecting to grandchildren or even other parts of their family, they will learn. It was a great way to connect to his family

  23. Anonymous

    I simply loved this story

  24. Jennifer

    What a cute story! I have 2 young grandchildren and love the idea of looking for ways to make our time together once a week special.

  25. Anonymous

    Brilliant idea for a grandparent that lives far away. Technology can help blend the old with the new.


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