The Tables

The Tables gives us a look at how two outdoor ping pong tables in the heart of New York City have played a pivotal role in creating community among an unlikely group of people from all walks of life.

Consider This

Watch this video to explore the film’s meaning and major themes a bit more. Talking with others about a shared arts experience can enrich our perspectives. Share your thoughts in the comment section, below!

Meet the Filmmaker

Jon Bunning grew up on Air Force bases around the Midwest eventually landing in Omaha, Nebraska. After college, he moved to New York to pursue a career as an advertising creative director.

In recent years he branched out into photography and documentary filmmaking. His photo essay on Bhutan was recognized by National Geographic. His first two films were shot entirely by himself, playing the roles of director, producer, cinematographer, and sound recordist.

His second documentary The Tables premiered at the acclaimed Ashland Independent Film Festival where it won the audience award for Best Short Documentary. It went on to win over a dozen awards for best documentary and screened at several prestigious festivals including DOC NYC, Nashville Film Festival, and won the Grand Jury Prize at the Oscar® qualifying Florida Film Festival.

Join the Conversation

How does the film change your perspective on what addiction can look like? When nothing outwardly seems wrong, how can we check-in with friends and family to make sure they’re coping and have someone to confide in?

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  1. Eric Rarama

    Nice story about co-existence in New York, the kind that is not limited to one social class

  2. Martha

    everyone needs someplace to go and enjoy life and company.

  3. Anonymous

    it is a beautiful thing when people from all walks of life are accepted based on being human and now what they can offer or provide. A love for the sport is all they have in common and everyone is open and friend and genuinely good hearted when they are at the Tennis Table. This is a great video.

  4. Anonymous

    Loved this. Makes me want to go back to NYC and watch this. I love random community gatherings like this.

  5. anonymous

    I liked the film and how it demanstrates the different classes of people with the same interests and how they share a commanality and have made a community for themselves.

  6. Anonymous

    Great job paying it forward by the gentleman who sponsored the installation of the tables in the park. He found joy, love and value in a sport and spread it within the community. Great role model.

  7. Anonymous

    Nice film. This represents the bonding of people in different walks of life because they have this commonality – ping pong.

  8. Anonymous

    People should have some place where they can turn to to connect within self and/or to connect with others by doing things they can share with, socially.

  9. Anonymous

    nice film – interesting

  10. Anonymous


  11. Stephanie

    This is such a NY story. I like the unexpected twist of the eloquent homeless man and the hustler ping pong champion who is responsible for all of the tables. Never would have guessed! The filmmaker is a good story teller and the players make you love them.

  12. Stephanie

    Just wondered if you’re a New Yorker? I grew up in Ohio and never saw this sort of mixing between races and classes there, though it would have been nice. New Yorkers still scare me a little, even when they’re just playing ping pong but I liked this story!


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