UnLonely Film Festival 7

The Lonely Store

Amy Roy

After a tragic loss, Maggie helps Jack move forward as she struggles to overcome her own suppressed grief.

Consider This

Watch this video to explore the film’s meaning and major themes a bit more. Talking with others about a shared arts experience can enrich our perspectives. Share your thoughts in the comment section, below!

Meet the Filmmaker

What is their why?

Amy Roy was born and raised in Philadelphia. She worked in advertising as a copywriter for eight years, before moving to LA to become a film and TV writer. She was the assistant to Maria and Andre Jacquemetton on Mad Men, Laura Dern’s assistant on Enlightened, and Leila Gerstein’s assistant on Hart of Dixie. In the final season, she wrote the episode, “The Butterstick Tab.” Today, she works for The Donners’ Company, having worked with Richard Donner, and now Lauren Shuler Donner. In 2020, Amy wrote four issues of the Smooth Criminals comic book series for Boom! Entertainment. In 2021, she wrote and directed the short film, The Lonely Store. To date, The Lonely Store has been accepted to nine festivals, including the prestigious Dances with Films in Los Angeles and Worldfest-Houston, the oldest independent film festival in the world. At The Best Shorts Competition, the film won Awards of Excellence for Drama and Women Filmmakers.

“Thanks to the internet, email, social media, and iPhones, we’re more connected than we’ve ever been. We’re also more alone than ever before, seeking real, true, deep connections. The Lonely Store is an intimate story about overcoming grief and finding someone to share your loneliness with. We believe the film’s universal message will inspire people with hope.”


Join The Conversation

How have you discovered creative ways to achieve closure and move on? Have you ever sought out therapeutic assistance during your most challenging times?

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    👏👏👏 Bravo, poignant, well done. TY


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