Project UnLonely Films Season 7

RESIST: The Resistance Revival Chorus

Susan O’Brien

In the midst of a country divided, a diverse group of women and non-binary individuals unite through the historic power of music to create a movement ignited by song.

Consider This

Watch this video to explore the film’s meaning and major themes a bit more. Talking with others about a shared arts experience can enrich our perspectives. Share your thoughts in the comment section, below!

Meet the Filmmaker

What is their why?

Susan O’Brien is a NY-based filmmaker and writer whose work has been featured in film festivals globally, the Smithsonian, online publications, and global campaigns for Me Too International and Planned Parenthood. She is an alumni of the prestigious Tribeca and Chanel’s Through Her Lens filmmaking program. Susan creates art to celebrate and amplify the voices of women, the LGBTQIA+ community and marginalized groups.

“Three years ago, I saw the Resistance Revival Chorus (RRC) perform for the first time, and I knew immediately that to capture the RRC was to document a movement of healing, joy, and progression.

Throughout history, music has been used to resist. The songs of the RRC call back to the movements of the past where violence was met with a melody and hatred with a hum. Over the course of the three years of this production, we have seen the rise of such civil rights and civic movements as Black Lives Matter, Close the Camps, Me Too, and Bans Off Our Bodies; while also experiencing Supreme Court decisions that continue to take people’s autonomy away. There is still much work to be done.

Our goal with this film was to inspire connection through the global movement of song. The majority of the production took place during the pandemic where it took that much more effort to unite and create community. We hope that in seeing the chorus members, viewers can recognize the power in their own voices as they are not alone in empowering, motivating, demanding, and enacting change.”

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Join The Conversation

Creativity can help us find and connect with people like us. Regardless of your political affiliation, how have you been able to connect with like-minded individuals during times when it seemed difficult to find hope for the future?

1 Comment

  1. Sheila Miller

    Music-singing unifies the singers. It helps build community, within the group and empowers us to sing our message together.


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