Project UnLonely Films Season 7

A Real Job

Nicole Romero

13-year-old Mia just wants to fit in and walk home with the cool girls at school, but with ICE raids taking over her neighborhood, she is stuck walking home with her paranoid mother.

Consider This

Watch this video to explore the film’s meaning and major themes a bit more. Talking with others about a shared arts experience can enrich our perspectives. Share your thoughts in the comment section, below!

Meet the Filmmaker

What is their why?

I’m fascinated with human beings, the struggles that they endure, and how they overcome those struggles. The truth is, we all are faced with hardships in our lives that we must overcome. However, our struggles are not the same. Every person has their own unique story. My passion is to convey other people’s stories in a way that will inspire others.

” ‘A Real Job’ is a story about wanting to fit in when you’re growing up undocumented and learning how to deal with the anxiety that surrounds a lonely life in the shadows.

As a former undocumented immigrant, when I was about Mia’s age, I too was struggling with the gravity of what it is to understand a secret as big as your family’s legal status. It was a lonely time for me because I was truly convinced that I was the only person in the world going through this. I carried that secret with me all the way into my adulthood. It wasn’t until I was 21 years old and ready to talk about my status and let people in that I started to make films surrounding the topic of immigration. Initially, when I was writing this film, it was with the purpose to heal through art making. Later on as the story continued to develop within my drafts, I realized that I was making the film for a younger version of myself. I wanted to reassure that younger Nicole that she wasn’t alone. Years later, I’m realizing the film played a much bigger role in not just giving hope to myself but to whoever was watching and feeling the same way Mia or I did. You aren’t alone.”

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Join The Conversation

What sacrifices have you made for those closest to you? Do you believe that society compels us to make such choices?


  1. Jeanette

    Great film. The uncertainty of one’s safety is deputed well. Reminding me of what African Americans experience historically and currently. No way to live growing up bond by fear.

  2. Evelyn

    In my heart of hearts I want to think that mom decided to let them walk home alone. Yet having watched the constant fear about ICE it leans towards Mom having been arrested. What a cliffhanger. How sad to have to live in constant fear of deportation, when America is the land of Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Such BS!


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