Project UnLonely Films Season 7


Alex Murawski

After a humiliating quest to become someone else, Ari finds that he is of surprising value.

Consider This

Watch this video to explore the film’s meaning and major themes a bit more. Talking with others about a shared arts experience can enrich our perspectives. Share your thoughts in the comment section, below!

Meet the Filmmaker

What is their why?

Alex’s short films Kiss, Ari, Frail, and Snow have screened at 90+ film festivals worldwide, including Berlin and TIFF, and have won multiple awards. Together they have nearly 7 million online views. He is a winner of the Lexus Australia Film Fellowship and is mentored by Academy-nominated director Bruce Beresford. His feature films scripts have been placed as Finalists in the Golden Script, WeScreenplay, Shore Scripts, and Nicholl Screenwriting competitions.

“Like Ari, I had a recent experience where I desperately wanted to belong, and it was a very lonely time. I thought that being a different type of person would help that. But it didn’t! It just made me lonelier. So, for this film, I wanted to put these feelings into a creative form and tell a story about a character who didn’t like who they were and felt unseen and lonely. Because of this the character in the film, ‘Ari’, tries to change in order to better fit in but finds themself in an even more humiliating and lonely place than before. Ultimately, Ari comes to accept himself, to be more friendly and kind to the person he feels himself to be – I feel that is the most important thing if you want to overcome loneliness. To make space within yourself for the person you are. To not always try to ‘become’ but rather ‘to be’. Our culture doesn’t like this idea and is always telling us to change this or that, but I feel that the more genuine and in touch one can be to one’s own foibles/areas one is ashamed of, the more genuine the connections that follow will be.”


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