UnLonely Film Festival 6

Take Me To Prom

Featuring the high school prom stories of queer people aged 17 to 88, ‘Take Me To Prom’ captures 70 years of LGBTQ social progress through this adolescent milestone.

Consider This

Watch this video to explore the film’s meaning and major themes a bit more. Talking with others about a shared arts experience can enrich our perspectives. Share your thoughts in the comment section, below!

Meet the Filmmaker

What is their why?

“I wanted multiple generations of queer people to relive a moment from their youth when they were still figuring out who they were. As the viewer looks at this traditionally heterosexual milestone through a queer lens, I hope they consider how queer people lived long before vocabulary and visibility situated their existence into the contemporary mainstream. The subjects in this documentary surprised me – they showed me that queer youth have been living full lives being themselves much further back in history than I had imagined. I found the resilience in each of them incredibly inspiring.”

Andrew Moir makes intimate documentaries that capture powerful moments in the lives of his subjects. Working alone or with small crews, he typically integrates himself into people’s daily lives for multi-year spans of time. He is interested in stories about families, mortality, rural life, and queer identity and his films screened at festivals like Hot Docs, AFI, Sheffield and DOC NYC.

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Join The Conversation

What was prom like for you? Were there any times at school, or since then, that you had to shield some aspect of your identity? What was that like for you?

1 Comment

  1. Nancy

    Great film. I remember the negative feelings about prom as a heterosexual person. Feeling sad, and not asked. Seems to be a time that brings up a lot of emotions for many of us. I should say – I am in my later 60’s. Kids didn’t go in groups at that time. That would have helped the negative feelings.


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