UnLonely Film Festival 6

Los Hermanos

Los Hermanos is a powerful music video that pairs Los Cenzontles’ recording of Argentine composer Atahualpa Yupanqui’s haunting song “Los Hermanos” with photos by the celebrated photographer Jim Goldberg.

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Meet the Filmmaker

What is their why?

The powerful images of Mexican migrants in the music video were taken by celebrated photographer Jim Goldberg, who was enthusiastic about the use of them for the music video concept. The sparsely-arranged, melancholy music that accompanies those images (a Los Cenzontles’ cover of Argentine composer Atahualpa Yupanqui’s beautiful song “Los Hermanos”) adds to the haunting loneliness of those images.

Eugene Rodriguez received a Master’s degree in classical guitar performance from the SanFrancisco Conservatory of Music in 1987. In 1989, Eugene formed Los Cenzontles and he incorporated Los Cenzontles Mexican Arts Center in 1994 as a cultural response to urgent social problems in the community. Eugene has performed with his students nationwide and internationally, including a tour in 2019 with 22 members of Los Cenzontles, accompanying Linda Ronstadt to the Mexican pueblo of her grandfather. In 2016 Eugene brought students on a tour of Cuba, the subject of the PBS-distributed film Conexiones, A Cuban Mexican Connection. The Los Cenzontles Touring Group has recorded over 30 albums. His work with Los Cenzontles has been featured in the New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, the California Watch, and NPR.

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“Los Hermanos” means brothers– who are the brothers in your life?


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