UnLonely Film Festival 6

Influencers Anonymous

A group of ex-social media influencers share their stories at a group counseling session.

Consider This

Watch this video to explore the film’s meaning and major themes a bit more. Talking with others about a shared arts experience can enrich our perspectives. Share your thoughts in the comment section, below!

Meet the Filmmaker

What is their why?

We made the film in order to poke fun at the culture that has risen around influencers and social media. Both myself and the writer James Vincent have worked in social media content creation for a number of years and interacted with all sorts of influencers in that time. My initial idea was to have a single influencer talking to a psychiatrist about their problems and then James suggested we open it up to get more voices involved and it quickly became more like an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. While the characters are fictional and their concerns exaggerated for comedic effect, ultimately the issues are things that we all face in one way or another. Whether it’s being addicted to something destructive that gives you a short boost of happiness or thinking that your actions are more important than everyone else’s, their problems are very recognisable. If there is one message that I hope people take from the film, it’s to take a break from their screens every now and then. There is a whole world out there to be experienced and only a small percentage of it exists in the digital realm. Remember that the next time you start doom scrolling on Instagram!


Ross McClure is a Northern Irish writer and director who loves to tell engaging stories with comedy, drama and a liberal dose of self awareness. With a background in camerawork and editing, he aims to make each project feel both personal and cinematic. In the future he wants to create features and series that share his love of diverse characters, outlandish ideas and eye catching visuals.


Ross’ Website | Instagram | Twitter

Join The Conversation

How many times a day do you check your cell phone, your Facebook, or your Instagram account? Does this actually bring you closer to people, or does it push you further apart?

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    So sad that many now live their lives on social media seeking approval.


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