Project UnLonely Films Season 8

Goodbye Golovin

Mathieu Grimard

Ian Golovin is leaving behind everything he knows today. Nothing will ever feel the same — or will it?

About The Film

Watch this video to hear from the filmmaker about their film, what they hope people will take away from it, and how they think films can connect us.

Meet the Filmmaker

What is their why?

Mathieu Grimard is a self-taught writer and director from Montreal, Canada. His storytelling gets its style from youth culture and the human experience. Math has directed over 40 music videos plus campaigns for Lancôme, Toyota, P&G and more. His first experimental short ‘Fleurs: Between Us Two’, opens a window into a relationship gone wrong. Set in Eastern Europe, ‘Goodbye Golovin’ is his latest — exploring life, leaving home and the loss of belonging.​

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