UnLonely Film Festival 6

Cloud Of Witnesses

When tragedy knocks at her door, Allison Adams finds a way to connect to women who help her through.

Consider This

Watch this video to explore the film’s meaning and major themes a bit more. Talking with others about a shared arts experience can enrich our perspectives. Share your thoughts in the comment section, below!

Meet the Filmmaker

What is their why?

Kevin Strickland (Director): “I made this film firstly because I am fascinated by artists, and especially the question of why make art? Everyone has a blend of deeply personal and creative reasons and it has become a personal journey to get a pulse on what some of those are. Along the way, I start to learn more about the human being that is also an artist. In Allison’s case, her reason for art-making was rooted in a desire that she has had since childhood, brought to the surface again by devastating loss and trauma. Both stories were important and inseparable from each other. Similarly, both inform who Allison is today and the expression of her true self through her constantly evolving art. So I made this film to explore how one person’s inspiring story of creation, in the midst of destruction, can be a guidepost for anyone, especially if they have gone through something similar.”

Linda Parisi (Producer): “I’m drawn to stories about human resiliency and empowerment. Allison started a blog towards the end of her husband’s life, processing her grief through art, writing and connection with others. I followed her on social media as she continued to work through her pain with creativity and connection. Ultimately, I met her and we discussed how we could use creativity to support other folks walking though their pain. With the artistry of filmmaker, Kevin Strickland, we all partnered together to make a film to support other families dealing with pain and loss.”

Kevin is a storyteller first and an artist second. He loves having the excuse to talk to and document amazing people, and share their stories in the most beautiful way he can. He currently lives in Washington.


Join The Conversation!

How else can you use art to heal? What inspiration have you found, from people who you’ve only read about, to help you navigate the challenges of daily living?


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