Colors & Connection

More Campus UnLonely Workshops in Action:
Exploring Creative Solutions at The University of New England!

October 17, 2022

Students at the University of New England participate in a Colors & Connection workshop

The University of New England (UNE) in Biddeford, Maine, is committed to finding innovative ways to support mental health on campus. On September 26, 2022, their students took part in a Colors & Connection workshop that used color and creative art-making to generate conversations around the issue of loneliness and promote a sense of well-being.

Our aim…

The goal was to offer the Student Affairs staff the curriculum, materials, and support they needed to provide a unique experience for their students—one that aligned with their current mental health initiatives on campus. With their focus on resilience, building community, and encouraging conversations around often difficult topics, UNE’s priorities were well-supported by the foundational principles that shape Colors & Connection.

How did it go?

25 students attended the workshop, led by Student Affairs staff, and were joined by UNE alumni and essie’s Senior Manager of Brand Engagement, Mallory Stanton. Check out what they had to say below!

What did the students say?

94% shared they had a better understanding of how using color could help express emotions.

87% felt more in touch with their emotions/feelings.

100% would recommend this program to their peers!

Students at the University of New England participate in a Colors & Connection workshop

This was a wonderful experience, and I am so glad I was able to participate! It was a lot of fun and a good way to understand other people. It felt great to connect to my own emotions about this upcoming year while making art!

University of New England Student and participant

Project UnLonely from the Foundation for Art and Healing
essie hands all in to help end loneliness
The Foundation for Art & Healing